Olympiads Introduction
World Science Olympiad (WSO)
Science is an important subject for the foundation of education, for all the students. As children are always curious about nature, Science helps them to learn about the concepts behind various phenomena happening around them. Science allows students to discover new things and explore their world. World Science Olympiad (WSO) is one of its kind international level academic examination to assess the capabilities of the students in the Science subject. The objective of WSO is to focus on the understanding of concepts and reasoning behind various phenomena. While attempting the WSO exam, students are evaluated in various areas of science depending on their age and the standard they are studying in.
World Mathematics Olympiad (WMO)
Mathematics is one of the most important subjects for students. Knowledge of mathematics is utilized in almost all the disciplines of education such as science, engineering, technology, geography, statistics, economics and commerce. Mathematics helps us in developing analytical thinking, improves our thinking capacity, and time management. Mathematics helps children to acquire knowledge about comparisons, value findings and decision making. Moreover, solving mathematics problems helps students to develop patience and build imaginations. Keeping in mind these rationale World Mathematics Olympiad (WMO) has been designed. WMO evaluate the student’s ability to think about the problems, systematically solve the problems, arrive at conclusions etc. Depending on the standard of study, WMO emphasizes the preciseness and speed of calculations also.
World Cyber Olympiad (WCO)
In the modern era, computer-based technology is growing at a very fast pace and the IT sector has become a major job provider. Computer science is not a standalone subject but the same is embedded in virtually every discipline of academic study. Students are required to use a computer in daily life such as for attending classes and examinations, making and delivering school projects, using smart gadgets in school and at home. Indeed gaining knowledge of computers by self-exploration is common among children. World Cyber Olympiad (WCO) includes the fields of information technology, computer hardware and software, artificial intelligence, smart gadgets etc. WCO exam evaluates the students for their knowledge about the fundamentals of cyber science, their applications in daily life and logical thinking.
World English Olympiad (WEO)
The language of international communications is English, which helps us to connect across the world. English is the official language in about 53 countries across the world. English is the main language for studying any subject all over the world, especially during higher studies, therefore learning correct English becomes important from childhood. English broadens the mind of students, helps in developing emotional skills, improve the quality of life by providing job opportunities etc. English is also being used widely in the media and literature, since the vast majority of readers know the English language. World English Olympiad (WEO) evaluates the participating students for their knowledge about the English language which include knowledge of grammar and the ability to correctly use the English language.