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Standard VIII


  • The Olympiad Examinations are based on the internationally harmonized syllabus for each subject. Questions in the examinations are mainly based on the school syllabus of the student. For the benefit of the students, WOA has provided detailed syllabi for each standard and we recommend looking into the syllabus before appearing in the exams.

  • All the examinations will be based on the objective type questions. There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.

Olympiad Pattern for standard 8


World Mathematics Olympiad (WMO)

1. Rational Numbers
Introduction to rational numbers, properties of rational numbers, a rational number between two rational numbers, representation of rational numbers on the number line

2. Linear Equations  
Introduction to the linear equations in one variable, solution of linear equations, solution of equations having variable on one side and both sides, reducing equations to a simpler form, examples of equations reducible to the linear form.


3. Polygons
Introduction to polygons, the sum of the measures of the exterior angles of a polygon, types of quadrilaterals, special parallelograms.

4. Data Management
Collecting and organizing large data, a grouping of data, pie chart, line graph, bar graph, probability.

5. Squares, Cubes and their Roots
Introduction to square and cube of a number, properties of square numbers and cube numbers, patterns, finding the square and cube of a number, square roots and cube roots, square roots of decimals, estimating square roots.


6. Comparing Quantities
Proportions, direct proportion, inverse proportion, ratios, and percentages, finding discounts, profit, and loss, simple interest, compound interest, interest rate compounded annually or half-yearly, applications of compound interest


7. Algebra
Expressions, what are terms, factors and coefficients, monomials, binomials and polynomials, like and unlike terms, addition and subtraction of algebraic expressions, multiplication of algebraic expressions: introduction, multiplying
a monomial by a monomial and polynomial, multiplying a polynomial by apolynomial, factorization, division of algebraic expressions

8. Mensuration
Area of triangle, trapezium, general quadrilateral and polygon, the surface area of cube, cuboid and cylinder, the volume of cube, cuboid and cylinder, volume and capacity. 3d-shapes, mapping space around us, faces, edges and vertices.


9. Exponents and Powers
Powers with positive and negative exponents, laws of exponents, use of the exponents to express small numbers in standard form

10. Logical Reasoning

Logical reasoning and critical thinking, sequencing of patterns and numbers

World English Olympiad (WEO)

1. Grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, writing skill, writing paragraphs based on the given picture,
questions from a given paragraph, questions related to daily life, etc.

2. The grammar section includes

  • Parts of Speech

  • Conjunctions

  • Punctuations

  • Comparison

  • Parts of A Sentence

  • Phrases

  • Clauses

  • Types of Sentences

  • Question Tags

  • Direct and Indirect Speech

  • Voice

  • Vocabulary

  • Prepositions

  • Nouns

  • Articles

  • Pronouns

  • Adjectives

  • Verbs

  • Tenses

  • Adverbs

  • The Interjection

 3. Comprehension and Composition part includes;

  • Precis Writing

  • Formal Letter Writing

  • Notice Writing

  • Email Writing

  • Diary Entry

  • Bio-Sketch

  • Message Writing

  • Debate Writing

  • Dialogue Writing

  • Story Writing

  • Paragraph Writing

  • Reading Comprehension

  • Essay Writing

  • Informal Letter Writing

4. Logical Reasoning, basic logics, pattern, alphabet, and word sequencing

World Science Olympiad (WSO)

1. Production and Management of Crops
Crop and its types, different steps and tools involved in agricultural practices, manure and fertilizer, crop rotation, animal husbandry
2. Microorganism: Usage and Harms
Classification of microorganism, usage and harms due to microorganism, fermentation, antibiotics, vaccines, pathogens, the diseases caused by microbes and their mode of transmission, disease- causing microorganisms in Plants and animals, food poisoning, food preservation techniques, Nitrogen fixation, and nitrogen cycle

3. Synthetic Fibers and Plastic
Synthetic fiber and its example, rayon, nylon, polyester, and acrylic, characteristics of Synthetic Fibres, plastic as polymer, different types of plastics, thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics, properties of plastic, usefulness, and harmfulness of plastic, 5R principle

4. Metals and Non-metals
Physical and chemical properties of metal and non-metal, displacement reaction, usage of metal and non-metal


5. Combustion, Fuel, and Flames
Definition of combustion, ignition temperature, inflammable substances, controlling fire, rapid and spontaneous combustion, flames formation and different zones in flames, fuel and fuel efficiency, undesirable effects of burning fuels on the environment. Fossils fuel, formation of coal, useful product from coal, coke, coal tar, coal gas, formation of petroleum, refining of petroleum, products obtained from petroleum and their usage, natural gases,


6. Cells in Animal and Plant
Cell as the building block of livings, unicellular and multicellular species, shapes and sizes of cells, different parts of the cell with their function, comparison of plant and animal cell

7. Adolescence, Puberty and Reproduction in Animals
Adolescence and puberty, changes at puberty, secondary sexual characters, testosterone and estrogen, role of hormones in initiating reproductive function, reproductive phase of life in humans, sex determination in humans by sex chromosomes, different glands and target sites of their respective hormones, role of hormones in completing the life history of insects and frogs, maintaining reproductive health and personal hygiene, male and female reproductive system, sperm, ovum, internal and external fertilization, embryo, foetus, viviparous and oviparous animals, metamorphosis. asexual reproduction in animals, budding and binary fission

8. Force, Friction and Pressure
Force as the push or pull, contact and field forces, muscular forces, friction, magnetic forces, electrostatic forces, gravitational forces, pressure, pressure Exerted by Liquids and Gases, atmospheric pressure, factors affecting Friction, Increasing and Reducing Friction, rolling friction, sliding friction, fluid friction

9. Sound, Reflection of light and the human eye
Production of sound, Human voice production mechanism, medium for the propagation of sound, factors governing Loudness and Pitch of sound, eardrum, audible and inaudible sounds, the difference between noise and music, noise pollution and its effect, Laws of reflection, Regular and diffused Reflection of light, multiple reflection and image formation, kaleidoscope, parts of the human eye, blind spot, introduction to Braille system,

10. Chemical Effects of Electric Current
iquids as conductors and insulators of electricity, electrochemical reactions, electroplating

11. lighting and Earthquake
Charging by Rubbing, types of charges and their interaction, transfer of charges, electroscope, earthing, cause of lightning, Do’s and Don’ts during lightning and thunderstorm, lightning conductors, reason of earthquake, Richter scale, seismic or fault zones, seismograph, protection against earthquakes

12. Stars and the Solar System
Celestial objects, moon and its phases, moon’s surface, star, pole star, light-year as a unit of distance, Constellations, Ursa Major, Orion, Cassiopeia, solar system, asteroids and comets, meteors and meteorites, artificial satellites


13. Air and Water Pollution
Mazor air pollutants, greenhouse effects, global warming, water pollutants, potable water, Water treatment plants, measures to be taken to avoid air and water pollution

14. Logical Thinking
Logical thinking, reasoning, sequencing of data and figures

World Cyber Olympiad (WCO)

1. Operating Systems and Types of Computers

Operating system and its Work, Examples of the operating system, types of computer (Mainframe computer, Super-computer, Workstation computer, Personal Computer(PC), Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone)

2. Generations of Computer

Introduction to Generations, First/Second/ Third/Fourth/Fifth Generation Computers: Main features and characteristics of First/Second/ Third/Fourth/Fifth Generation, Examples of First/Second/ Third/Fourth/Fifth Generation Computer Systems,


3. Computer Memories

What is Memory, Memory units, Types of Memory, Internal Memory - CPU Registers, Cache Memory - Advantages and Disadvantages of cache memory, Primary/Main memory, RAM and its types– SRAM, DRAM, ROM and its types-ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM) Characteristics of the Static and Dynamic RAM, Advantages of ROM, External Memory: Characteristic of Secondary Memory, Sequential Access, Devices, Direct Access Devices, Physical Structure of Magnetic disks: Tracks and Sectors

4. MS PowerPoint

Introduction to PowerPoint, What is Presentation? What is Slide? How to Start/Open Power Point? Components of PowerPoint Window: Title Bar, Quick Access Toolbar, Ribbon and Tabs, Outline/Slides Tabs, Slide Pane, Notes Pane, Status Bar, View Options, How to Create Photo-Album Presentation? How to Play Presentation, Saving and Exiting Presentation, How to Create a New Blank Presentation: Adding Text to Slides, Formatting Text of a Slide, Inserting New Slide, How to Change the Slide Layout?, How to Change the Appearance of Slides: Working with Themes, Changing Background Styles, Format Background (Solid Fill, Gradient Fill, Picture or Texture Fill, Pattern Fill), Adding Contents to a Slide (WordArt, ClipArt, Tables, SmartArt, Pictures, Movie/Video etc.), Slide View Options in PowerPoint: Normal view, Slide Sorter view, Reading view, Slide Show view, Zoom Slider, Working with Transition (Effect Options, Sounds, Duration), Working with Animation, Record Slide Show/Narration and Timings: How to Remove Narration or Timings from a Recorded Slide Show


5. Internet Fundamentals

 What is the Internet?, History of Internet, Requirement for Internet: Hardware Requirements, Software Requirements, Facilities provided by Internet: FNews and Information, Art and Entertainment, online shopping, Mailing Letters, Health and Fitness, Tourism and Travel,  Banking Operations, Internet Connections: Types of Internet Connections, Modem and Its Types: External Modem and Internal Modem, Internet Service Providers (ISP), Services provided by Internet: World Wide Web, Electronic Mail, Social Networking Sites, Tools and Skills required for using Internet, Web Browsing


6. Computer applications and Multimedia

Computer Applications (on-line, real-time, business), Meaning of multimedia, multimedia components(text, graphic, animation, audio, video, etc), multimedia applications, Knowledge of different file formats(JPEG, mp3, mp4, txt, doc, pdf, Xls, exe, )

7. Algorithm, Flow Chart and Introduction to Programming

Meaning of algorithm and its uses, Developing an algorithm, Symbols used in the flow chart, Making a flow chart, Identifier and their naming rules, different data types(i.e. char, int, string, float, string, etc), Declaration and initialization of variables, Arithmetic and logic operators, Assignment operators, compiling and executing the program, using if, else if, else, taking inputs and giving outputs based on that input.


8. Photoshop and Flash

Rectangular marquee, Lasso, Crop and Slice, Measuring, Retouching, Painting, Drawing and Type, Shape tools, Mask and Channel, Creating and Editing a quick mask, Saving a selection as a mask, Viewing channels, Adjusting individual channels, Loading a mask as a selection. Meaning of flash and its uses, Creating animation, Symbols (graphic, button, movie clip, etc.), Converting an object to a symbol, Timeline and its use in animation, Frames and keyframe, About layers (inserting a new layer, renaming & deleting layer), Types of animation (frame and tweened), Motion and Shape tweening


9. E-Commerce and E-Greeting

EDI(Electronic Data Interchange), Meaning of E-Commerce and E-Greetings, Social impacts of E-Business, Types of E-card, Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Commerce, Factors to be kept in mind while doing E-Commerce, Website examples


10. Chatting, Audio and Video Conferencing

Meaning of chatting and conferences, Difference between audio and video conferencing, Usage of conferencing, Factors affecting audio/video quality during conferences


11. Downloading and uploading

Meaning of downloading and uploading, Downloading/Uploading Speed, Background Operations, Bandwidth and protocol

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