Standard I
The Olympiad Examinations are based on the internationally harmonized syllabus for each subject. Questions in the examinations are mainly based on the school syllabus of the student. For the benefit of the students, WOA has provided detailed syllabi for each standard and we recommend looking into the syllabus before appearing in the exams.
All the examinations will be based on objective type questions. There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.

World Mathematics Olympiad (WMO)
1. Shapes and space
Familiarization with different shapes around us (e.g., rectangle, square, circle, heart, etc.) comparisons of inside/outside, big/small, tall/short, top/bottom, nearest/farthest, above/below, etc.
2. Numbers from One to Hundred
Familiarization with numbers, comparisons of numbers, number spellings, ones, tens, and hundreds place of a number, even and odd numbers
3. Addition (up to double-digit numbers)
Addition of one and two-digit numbers, word problems on addition
4. Subtraction (up to double-digit numbers)
Subtraction of one and two-digit numbers, word problems on subtraction
5. Time
Knowledge of time of the day, AM, PM, hours, minutes and seconds, clock, number of days in a month and week, leap year
6. Measurement
Basic measurement techniques, comparisons of quantities, familiarization with common units such as Kg, meter, seconds.
7. Data Handling
Comparisons of data (big and small), pictorial presentation of data, ascending order, descending order
8. Logical reasoning and Patterns
Various patterns and sequences, logical thinking
9. Money
Use of money, conversion of money, symbols (e.g. USD, Pond, Rupees, Yen, etc.)
World English Olympiad (WEO)
1. The Alphabet
Knowledge of English alphabets, identification of alphabets, what comes after an alphabet, what comes before an alphabet
2. Consonants and Vowels
What are consonants and vowels, how many consonants are there in English, how many vowels are there in English
3. Noun
What is a noun, different kinds of Noun and their uses, words which fall in different categories of noun
4. Singular and Plural
Singular or plural number, things, or terms, identification of singular and plural words, Plural of words used in daily life
5. Articles (a, an, the)
How to place an article in the sentence and use of the article to enhance the quality of the sentence, the types of articles and examples
6. Gender
Gender (He Words and She Words). to identify noun genders, gender types their use in sentences
7. Verb
What is a verb, common words used as a verb in daily life
8. Am, Is, and Are
Use of Am, Is, and Are in simple sentences, identification for use of Am, Is, and Are
9. Has and Have
Has and Have and their uses in simple sentences. how to make the sentences using has or have
10. Prepositions
What is a preposition, use of correct preposition in English sentences
11. Opposite Words
Knowledge of opposite words which are commonly used in daily life.
12. use of This and That, These and Those, Who, What, How, Where, Which, When - Use of these words
13. Spell Well
Knowledge of correct spelling, unjumble words
14. Paragraph Writing and Story Writing
Children should be able to write one small paragraph, children should be able to write a story based on provided pictures, write about a picture, describe the picture.
15. Logics and Thinking
Simple logics, critical thinking, data, alphabet and figure sequencing
World Science Olympiad (WSO)
1. Our Body
Parts of the human body, importance of each body part, identification of body parts and their names
2. Basic needs of humans
Understanding of our basic needs, food, what we eat as food, the importance of food, water, shelters, clothes. season-specific clothing,
3. My family
What is a family, members in a family, importance of a family, basic manners, love, and affection among family members, celebrations in a family
4. Road safety and transportation
Different means of transport, road transport, water transport, air transport, railway stations, seaport, airport, signs in the road and their meaning, basic road safety rules, zebra crossing, and signals
5. Plants and animals
Type and shapes of plants, parts of plants: stem, roots, flowers, leaves, etc., the importance of plants, types of animals, animal species such as amphibians, insects, reptiles, birds, mammals, etc., big animals, small animals.
6. Our society
What society comprises of, the impotence of members in our society, our duties towards society, community helpers, doctor, postman, cleaner, domestic helper, police, etc. our neighborhood, important places like hospital, fire station, market, entertainment hub, etc., places to worship.
7. Universe and earth
Sun, the importance of sunlight, moon, planets, other stars, the universe, seasons, water on the earth, water sources
8. Habits and behavior
Good habits, examples of good habits, the routine of a day, manners, respect for others
9. Logics and reasoning
Basic logics, critical thinking, finding the odd one out, reasoning, sequencing
World Cyber Olympiad (WCO)
1. Introduction to the computer
computer is different from other items in the surrounding.
It is a machine which runs on electricity.
Some basic things that can be done using a computer like listening to music, watching videos, playing games, etc.
The idea that a computer is not just a toy it is a very important part of our life
The idea that a computer is very expensive and must be taken care of properly.
2. Introduction to the various parts of computers
Recognition of the mouse, keyboard, and monitor
a) Mouse
I. Operate the mouse
II. The cursor on the screen can be controlled using a mouse.
III. Identify the left and right buttons on the mouse.
IV. Know the meaning of left-clicking, right-click, scroll up-down, etc.
b) Keyboard
I. Know that letters of the English alphabet are not in the conventional order.
II. Type your name using the keyboard.
III. How to write a capital letter and a small letter.
IV. Recognize special keys backspace, Caps Lock, Enter, Ctrl, num lock, arrow keys
V. Functioning of the backspace, Caps lock, num lock, arrows.
c) Monitor
I. Recognition
II. How delicate it is, even a single scratch can damage it.
d) Memory
use is to store the information on a computer
e) Battery (UPS)
I. It stores power and when there are no electricity computers run on this.
II. Recognition of UPS, battery, AC power.
3. Basic operations of the computers
a) Switch ”ON” and “OFF”
b) Play music and video
c) Play game
d) Open file
e) )Open paint and do drawings
4. Using computer properly
No bang with keyboard or mouse
The delicate monitor should not be scratched
Not bringing wet thing or any liquid in touch of computer and its parts
Should not be used in direct sunlight and near the flames to avoid overheating
Using a computer for a long time affects the eyes
Not touching any wires unnecessarily
5. Logical reasoning
Logical reasoning
Pattern sequencing, number sequencing
Odd one out