Standard V
World Mathematics Olympiad (WMO)
1. Numbers and Operations
Numbers, addition, subtractions, multiplication, and division of small and large numbers, multiplication table up to 20x10, properties of division, estimation of the sums, differences and products of the given numbers, the significance of place value in the algebraic operations, brackets and multiplication, estimating and rounding off decimal values, finding place value in large numbers beyond 1000.
2. Mental Arithmetic
Estimation of sums, differences, products, and quotients mentally, verification of the same using approximation.
3. Fractions
Meaning of fractions, types of fractions, equivalent fraction, how to compare fractions, simplification of fractions, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions, express a given fraction in decimal notation
4. Factors and Multiples
Finding factors and multiples of a number, divisibility tests, calculation of LCM and HCF of numbers
5. Geometry
3-D and 2-D objects, introduction to an angle, identify right angles, acute angles, and obtuse angles, shapes of cubes, cylinders, and cones
6. Money
Operations of addition and subtraction of currencies, multiple costs and unit cost, word problems using basic operations on money, comparing money amounts, currencies various
7. Measurement
Calculation of parameters and area of basic shapes (rectangle, square, triangle), application of arithmetic operations in solving problems involving length, width, and height, conversion of units used for measurement of length, measurement of weight, units of mass, use of balance, measuring of volume
8. Data Handling
Handling the large data, use of various graphs and charts for representation of the large data, converting the table into a graph, interpreting of the graphs
9. Patterns, Sequences, and Logics
Identifying the patterns in the pictures and numbers, sequencing the picture patterns, and logical thinking
The Olympiad Examinations are based on the internationally harmonized syllabus for each subject. Questions in the examinations are mainly based on the school syllabus of the student. For the benefit of the students, WOA has provided detailed syllabi for each standard and we recommend looking into the syllabus before appearing in the exams.
All the examinations will be based on the objective type questions. There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.

World English Olympiad (WEO)
Grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, writing skill, writing paragraphs based on the given picture,
questions from a given paragraph, questions related to daily life, etc.
The grammar section includes;
Degrees of Comparison
Nature Of Sentences
Types of Sentences
Subject and Predicate
Active and Passive Voice
Prefix and Suffix
Question Tags
The Same Word Used As a Different Part of Speech
Sounds of Things
The Participle
Direct and Indirect Speech
Logical Reasoning, basic logics, patterns, alphabet, and word sequencing
World Science Olympiad (WSO)
1. Living Things and Plants
Characteristics of living things, how living things are different from non-living things, examples of living and non-living things, plants, animals and human beings, grouping things together, reproduction in plants, reproduction from seeds, seed germination dispersal of seeds, crops, how crops are grown.
2. Exploring the Animal Kingdom
How animals are different from plants, variety of animals, different body coverings of animals, different eating habits, herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores, different methods of moving, how do animals find their food? what do we get from animals, animal products used for clothing, shelter, etc., endangered animals, extinct animals, where animals live, and how birds fly?
3. Human Body
Body parts of humans, sense organs in humans, human activities such as seeing, touching, hearing, eating, studying, sleeping, etc., different human organs responsible for doing their functions, important systems of humans such as the digestive system: circulatory system, respiratory system, excretory system, skeletal system, and bones, use of bones, small bones,
and large bones.
4. Food and Our Health
Food as a basic need, components of food such as carbohydrates, protein, fats, vitamins, nutrients, a balanced diet, preserving nutrients in food, infectious diseases, Covid-19 infection and prevention, the spread of infectious diseases, how food helps to fight disease, deficiency diseases, the importance of exercise, healthy habits,
5. Air, Water, and the Environment
Why air and water are required, sources of water, water conservation methods, how farmers get water for crops, animals, and plants living in water, what is the atmosphere, the importance of the atmosphere, properties of air, hot air, and cold air, nature of water and other liquids, water-born diseases, our environment, tree plantation, forests, deforestation,
pollution, natural resources, natural calamities, earthquake, tsunami, cyclone, etc.
6. Soil, Rocks, and Minerals
Importance of soil, how soil is formed? soil erosion and soil conservation types of rocks such as igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks, fossils fuel, wealth from rocks
7. Simple Machines
Simple machines and their benefits, the lever, inclined plane, screw, pulley, wheel, and axle. examples of simple machines
8. Universe and our Moon
Our universe, solar system, and planets, how the earth moves, the revolution of the earth and change in seasons, moon, conditions on the moon, how the moon moves, phases of the moon, landing on the moon, eclipses, and artificial satellites
9. Matter
What is matter, physical form of matter, elements and compounds, properties of matter
10. Logical Thinking
Logical thinking, pattern identification, finding sequence
World Cyber Olympiad (WCO)
1. Storage Units of Computers
Definition and importance of computer storage, classification in primary and secondary memory, different examples of storage units, RAM, ROM, SSD, HDD, Optical disk drive, Card reader, External hard drive, Pen drive, Floppy disk etc. Units of storage capacity: Bytes
2. Tables in MS Word
Importance of tables in data organization, insert a table, select no of rows and columns, Insert and delete a new row or column, merge cells, fill colour in cells, alignment in the table (both vertical and horizontal), customising table-border, using mathematical formula in a table
3. Paragraph Editing in MS Word
Select words or sentences, cut, copy, paste, Move the text and other objects, usage of keyboard shortcuts like (ctrl+c, ctrl+a, ctrl+v, ctrl+z, ctrl+y, ctrl+s, ctrl+a) in text editing, page layout menu, margin settings, orientation, indentation, page border, paper size, wrap text, Inserting, positioning and cropping images
4. Introduction to MS Excel
Create a new sheets or open the existing one, delete sheets, rename sheets, copy and move sheets, insert new row and column, delete and hide the rows and columns, change the width and height of the column/row, filter cells based on certain criteria with filter function, find and select the data in a given range with conditional formatting, exploring view menu (gridlines, freeze panes, view side by side and synchronous scrolling)
5. Introduction to Multimedia
Definition and its usage, Different Hardware and Software required for various media, how to open and use media player, how to open and use sound recorder, idea of different file formats (jpeg, pdf, Xls, doc, etc)
6. Preparing an Effective Presentation (PPT)
exploring design menu, slide design, different transition effects on slides, different animation effects on objects in slides, adding or deleting a new slide, managing slides in the slide sorter view, running a presentation in the slide show view, previewing and printing a presentation, selecting page setup options (size, width, height, orientation, etc.), showing presentation using projector
7. Internet
the basic idea, web browsers with examples, websites with examples, search engines with examples, exploring sites like wikipedia, mail, and cloud storage
8. Logic and Reasoning
Logical reasoning, critical thinking, sequencing of figures and numbers, pattern sequencing, etc.