Standard IV
World Mathematics Olympiad (WMO)
1. Numbers
Numbers and operations, addition and subtractions, multiplication of numbers (2 and 3 digits’ numbers), multiplication table up to 10x10, division by simple numbers, properties of division, estimation of sums, differences, and products of the given numbers.
2. Geometry
Shapes; spatial understanding, the area, and perimeter of simple shapes (square and rectangle), application of perimeter and area in daily life, drawing a circle from freehand, identifying center, radius, and diameter of a circle, 2-dimensional and 3- dimensional shapes
3. Mental Arithmetic
Add and subtract multiples of 10 and 100, mentally, complete multiplication facts by adding partial products, mentally (e.g. 7 × 6 = 5 × 6 + 2 × 6), division by 10 and 100 mentally.
4. Fractional Numbers
Identify half, one-fourth, and three-fourths of a whole, simple fractions, identifying what fraction does the shape shows, identification of patterns of equivalent fractions. Identification of symbols and their meaning such as 1/2, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, etc.
5. Money & Currency
Conversion of currencies, addition and subtraction of currencies, multiple costs and unit cost, compare money amounts, comparison of price lists, price lists with multiplication, finding unit prices, estimation of totals, and total cost.
6. Measurement
Measurement of length, relates meter with centimeter, choose the practical and appropriate metric unit for measurement, word problems involving length and distances, measurement of weight, comparison and conversion of units of mass, use of balance
7. Volume
Measurement of volumes of liquid using containers marked with standard units, knowledge of units of volume, find sum and difference of volumes, estimating the volume of a liquid in a vessel
8. Time
Calculation and conversion of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years, what is a leap year and its need, reads clock time to the nearest hours and minutes, use of the terms "a.m." and "p.m.", 24 hours time format, convert between 12-hour and 24-hour time, estimation of the duration of events from the practical life.
9. Data Handling
How to handle large data, use of bar graphs, line plots, and frequency charts, pictographs, finding the suitable type of graph for a given data.
10. Patterns, Sequences and Logics
Geometrical patterns and symmetry, lines of symmetry, Rotational symmetry, etc., observing sequence, logical thinking
The Olympiad Examinations are based on the internationally harmonized syllabus for each subject. Questions in the examinations are mainly based on the school syllabus of the student. For the benefit of the students, WOA has provided detailed syllabi for each standard and we recommend looking into the syllabus before appearing in the exams.
All the examinations will be based on the objective type questions. There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.

World English Olympiad (WEO)
Grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, writing skills, writing paragraphs based on the given
picture, questions from the given paragraphs, questions related to daily life, rhyming words,
identifying pictures, etc. The grammar portion includes the following sections;
Degrees of Comparison
Nature of Sentences
Subject and Predicate
The Participle
Prefix and Suffix
Logical Reasoning, basic logics, patterns, alphabet, and word sequencing
World Science Olympiad (WSO)
1. Animals and Plants
Characteristic and features of animals, variation in organs in animals (e.g. long or short tail, with or without horns, lengthy ears, colour, and pattern, etc), animals living on land, animals living in water, animals living on both land and water, animals living on trees, animals that fly, adaptation for food, adaptation for protection, parts of plants such as roots, stems, and leaves and their uses, plants producing fruits and vegetables, how plant make their food, the process of photosynthesis, land plants and water plants, uses of plants, dispersal of seeds and parts of the plants.
2. Human Body
Different human organs responsible to do their functions independently, familiarization with the important organ systems in our human body such as the digestive system, circulatory system, respiratory system, and excretory system, animals that give birth to babies, animals that lay eggs, insects, other egg-laying animals
3. Our Food
Food as a basic necessity for living beings, components of food such as carbohydrates, protein, fats and vitamins, healthy food rich in minerals, vitamins, calcium, and carbohydrate, why healthy food is required? food for energy and fighting against diseases, unhealthy food, and their examples, balanced diet, the requirement of water for our body, cooking food, food preservation.
4. Clothes
What are clothes made of? clothes as a basic necessity for any human beings, types of clothes like wool, cotton, silk, fur, etc, clothes from plants or animals, clothes suitable for work, clothes suitable for home, weather-specific clothes, how to take care of clothes
5. Safety and First Aid
Safety in our daily life, safety in home, safety in workplace, road safety, important first aid tips, call for an ambulance during an emergency.
6. Our Environment and the Universe
What does our environment give us, how human damages the environment, biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste, types of pollution such as air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution, how to reduce pollution, our universe, solar system and planets, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, how the earth moves, the
revolution of the earth, and change in the season.
7. Our Family and Society
Importance of each of the family members, relationship, typical family tree, basic learning of morals, manners and good habits in the family, our society. happenings in our surroundings, persons helping society such as postman, doctor, cleaner, house help, etc.
8. Force, Work, and Energy
Familiarization with force, types of forces, work, types of energy, etc. gravitational force, frictional force, etc., sources of energy, solar energy
9. Logical Thinking
Logical thinking, pattern identification, sequence identification
World Cyber Olympiad (WCO)
1. Computer History and Classifications
Computer development in different generations, different landmarks in computer development, Classification of computers based on data they process, size, the purpose they are used for
2. Computer Hardware and Classification
Recognition of different hardware like keyboard, mouse, monitor, trackpad (or touchpad), touchscreen, joystick, light pen, webcam, printer, etc, Mother and its elements like CPU, RAM, ROM, Storage units, Power units, Classification as Input and output devices,
3. Introduction to MS word
Create and Save a new file, Open the existing word file, save the current file, difference between Save and Save As, text editing (size, bold, italic, underlined, changing fonts, etc), Views and Layouts in ms word, using shortcuts such as (CTRL + O, CTRL + N, CTRL + W, CTRL + S, CTRL + C, CTRL + V, CTRL + X, CTRL + Z, CTRL + Y, ESC)
4. Basic Windows Features
Create a folder, deleting a folder or file, and restore from recycle bin, renaming a folder or file, moving a folder or file, making a shortcut of a folder on the desktop, search a particular file and folder in the computer
5. Introduction to MS PowerPoint
Starting PowerPoint, creating a new file, changing the font, text editing (size, bold, italic, underlined, changing fonts, etc), formatting paragraphs (text alignment, line spacing, bulleted and numbered lists, copying formatting), inserting an image, audio, video, shape, etc, adding and deleting particular slide, slide show menu, custom slide show
6. Basics of MS Excel
Concept of workbook and worksheet, create a file, identify components of excel screen, auto- generate series like serial no, days, months, date, etc, using features to calculate sum, average, maximum, minimum, etc.
7. Window Accessories
Use of simple and scientific calculators, on-screen keyboard, zoom in and zoom out displayed content, access and play the available pc games, basic concepts about computer virus and anti-virus
8. Control Panel and Its Features
Change the desktop background, set a screen saver, change mouse pointer (size, icon, speed), change the view of start menu, customize the task bar, change the system date and time
9. Logics and Reasoning
Logical reasoning, critical thinking, sequencing of figures and pattern, data sequencing, etc.