Standard III
The Olympiad Examinations are based on the internationally harmonized syllabus for each subject. Questions in the examinations are mainly based on the school syllabus of the student. For the benefit of the students, WOA has provided detailed syllabi for each standard and we recommend looking into the syllabus before appearing in the exams.
All the examinations will be based on the objective type questions. There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.

World Mathematics Olympiad (WMO)
1. Views of an Object
Top view and side view of any object, the mirror image of various objects, dividing the image into two or four equal parts, etc., two dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D) objects, sides corners, and diagonals
2. Numbers
Read and write numbers up to 1000, word problems on numbers, the concept of units, tens and hundreds place, expand a number with respect to its place value, compare numbers, smallest and greatest numbers, even and odd numbers, ascending and descending orders
3. Addition and Subtraction
Addition and subtraction using the units place, tens place, hundreds place, and thousands place, word problems on addition and subtractions, estimation of sum and differences, framing problems on addition and subtraction.
4. Measurement of Quantities
Measurement of various quantities such as length, height, and time, long and short, understanding the units of length: centimeters, meters, and kilometers. Estimation of the amount of an entity to fill another entity, word problems, and puzzles.
5. Designs and Shapes
Familiarization with various shapes, shapes around us, edges and corners in a shape, patterns around shapes, etc.
6. Time
Knowledge of time, the relation between hours, minutes, and seconds, the concept of a calendar including days, weeks, months, and years.
7. Weight and Balances
Knowledge about weight and balances, comparison and telling which is heavier, weigh objects using nonstandard units, standard units of weight (grams and kilograms)
8. Multiplication and Division
Learning multiplication by repeated addition, multiplication of numbers up to two digits, the meaning of division in terms of equal grouping and sharing, simple divisions
9. Understanding of Smart Charts
Collection of data, representation of data using tally marks, use of pictograph, use of smart charts to depict any form of data
10. Logics, Patterns and Sequences
Understanding of patterns and sequences, recognition of patterns, what comes next in sequence, logical thinking
World English Olympiad (WEO)
1. Sentences - Jumbled, Punctuation (capital letters, full stop, comma, question mark)
2. Nouns - common, proper, collective recapitulation of articles
3. Pronouns - Pronouns, subject pronoun, object pronouns, singular/plural pronoun
4. Use of is, am, are, was, were
5. Verb - Introduction to the concept of auxiliary verbs, main verbs - base, past, and past participle form Creative writing based on the correct usage of three forms of the verb
6. Adjectives - Quality, quantity ( number), shape, colour , Homonyms- words that sound alike but have a different meaning, Degrees of adjectives
7. Conjunction - and, but, as, because, if, so, though, although Compound Words, Prepositions- place, time, direction, Alphabetical order with words beginning with the same letter gender Alliteration
8. Letter Writing: understand and use the format of informal letters.
9. Antonyms and Synonyms
10. Introduction of Direct and Indirect speech
11. Creative Writing
Paragraph Writing and Story Writing
Children should be able to write one paragraph; children should be able to write a story based on provided pictures
Write about a picture, and describe the picture.
Creative writing - Writing step-by-step, Introduction to the diary Entry; Writing a paragraph on "Myself"
12. Identify
Identification of common things around us by picture
Identification of common things by spelling
Identifying correct spelling
Knowledge of correct spelling, unjumble words
13. Logical Reasoning - Basic logic, logical reasoning, pattern, alphabet, and word sequencing
World Science Olympiad (WSO)
1. Living and Non-living
Understanding of living and non-living things, properties of living things, different plants and trees, parts of plants and their use, animals found on trees, ponds, etc. differentiation and similarities between various animals based on activities and habitat, crawling animals, basic characteristics of a bird include feathers, legs, beaks, wings, etc, whether all birds can fly?, sense organs of human beings, matter properties and state of matters
2. Water, Earth, and Air
Different uses, sources, and conservation of water, the importance of water for animals and plants, properties of earth, rotation and revolution, effects of rotation and revolution, weathers on earth, air as an essential element for the human being, respiration of human beings
3. Our Houses and Family
Our house, need of a house, how house protect us, rooms and common things in a house, the family as a child& first school, basic learning of morals, manners and good habits in the family, family members, celebrations in a family
4. Our Food
Parts of our food, the importance of carbohydrate, protein, vitamins, etc., different food habits, staple foods, etc. food habits of people as per climatic conditions, culture, and lifestyle of people, healthy and unhealthy food, different methods of cooking, boiling, baking, roasting, frying, and steaming
5. The Human Body
Human body structure, body parts, bones, muscles, fluid in the body, name of body parts, use of body parts.
6. Safety
Basic safety tips for children, road safety, safety habits, safety rules at home
7. Light and Sound
How light and sound move, how we see, how we listen, transparent and opaque objects.
8. Force, Work, and Energy
Examples of force and motion in our daily life – push, pull, inventions in the field of science and technology
9. The Universe
Comets, meteors and asteroids, global warming, and effects of global warming on the earth, solar system, satellites, telescope, astronauts, spacecraft, moon, the Sun, and the stars, rocks, and soil
10. Logical Thinking
Logical thinking, pattern identification, sequence identification,
World Cyber Olympiad (WCO)
1. Familiarization with the Computers
What is a computer, how a computer works, why computers are required? What computers can do for us, types of computers (desktop, laptop), the difference between hardware and software
2. Computer Hardware
Different parts of the computers, use of various hardware e.g. monitor, keyboard, UPS, CPU and mouse, knowledge about important constituent of CPU i.e. motherboard, memory, and fan, other associated hardware e.g. speakers
3. Computer Software
Knowledge about the computer software, familiarization with the important software e.g. paint, Microsoft word document, Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, familiarization with the common symbols of these software, how to write and delete words, use of special characters using keyboard
4. Emails and Social Media
What is an email? how we compose emails, common email providers and their symbols e.g. google mail, yahoo mail, rediff mail, Microsoft Outlook, Proton mail, etc., parts of the email, where to write recipient email ID, subject and copy to (CC), common social media platform: Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter
5. Safe Handling of Computers
How to ensure safe handling of computers, necessary safe handling instructions, electrical hazard, the proper shutdown of computers, prevention of computers from dust, moisture, and excessive heat.
6 . Wide Uses of Computers
Personal and commercial uses of computer, use of computer at home, schools, bank, post
office, grocery store, gaming zone, hospitals, etc. use of computers for presentations, large calculations, sending and receiving information, online tracking, entertainment, etc.,
7. Logical Reasoning
Computer logics, logical reasoning, pattern sequencing, data collection.