Standard II
The Olympiad Examinations are based on the internationally harmonized syllabus for each subject. Questions in the examinations are mainly based on the school syllabus of the student. For the benefit of the students, WOA has provided detailed syllabi for each standard and we recommend looking into the syllabus before appearing in the exams.
All the examinations will be based on the objective type questions. There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.

World Mathematics Olympiad (WMO)
1. Length and shapes of structures
Understanding and measurement of length, units of length (m and Km), comparison of length, identification of basic shapes (circle, triangle, rectangle, square, polygon, heart, star), the difference between 2D and 3D shapes, basic 3-D shapes such as cuboid, cylinder, cone, sphere, horizontal, vertical, and slant lines, straight and curved lines, objects and their shadows, measurement of length using hand span
2. Counting in groups
Numbers and counting, the grouping of objects, regroups objects into tens and ones, place value and comparison of numbers, ascending and descending order, smallest and greatest two-digit numbers with and without repetition of digits, counting in tens and hundreds
3. Addition and subtraction
Addition and subtraction of numbers (up to three digits), addition, subtraction through pictures and verbal description, use of number line for addition and subtraction
4. Weight of the objects
Understanding of the weight of any object, measurement of weight, units of length (gram and Kilogram), comparison of weight, need for a simple balance
5. Logical thinking and patterns
Identification of footprints (Footprints of animals, humans, and birds), logical thinking, sequences, pattern identification.
6. Analytical skills and data handling
Analysis of figures and pictures, collection and comparisons of data (big and small), pictorial presentation of data
7. Time
Measuring time, Hours, minutes and seconds, Days of the week, months in a year, days: in a week, in a month, in a year
World English Olympiad (WEO)
1. Words and sentences, Vowels and Consonants
2. Articles: A, An & The
3. Nouns (Naming words), Pronouns
4. Punctuation (Introduction)
5. Singular / Plural, Genders
6. Position words
7. Verbs
8. Picture comprehension
9. Identification of common things around us by picture
10. Identification of common things by spelling, identifying correct spelling
11. Correct use of He, She, I, We, YouMe, Us, You, Him, Her, It, Them, My, Your, His, A, An, The,
Is, Are, Am, Has, Have, Had, Was, Were, Go, Goes, Do, Does, She, It, They, In, Into, On, At,
Behind, Under, etc.
12. Countable and Uncountable Naming words
13. Comparisons
14. Knowledge of correct spelling, unjumble words
15. Paragraph writing and story writing
16. Children should be able to write one paragraph; children should be able to write a story
based on provided pictures
17. Write about a picture, describe the picture.
18. Logical Reasoning, basic logics, pattern, alphabet, and word sequencing
World Science Olympiad (WSO)
1. The Universe and Earth
Celestial Bodies present in the universe (Earth and other planets, stars, solar system, and sun), basic knowledge about the earth (shape, presence of water, land, and air), Oceans, and continents
2. Water and its Forms
Importance of water, uses of water, sources of water, forms of water
3. Plants
Importance of plants in our life, types of plants, colours of plants, preservation of plants around us, types of flowers, vegetables, and fruits.
4. Animals
Animals around us, types of animals and their habitat, extinct animals, how animals are different from humans, egg-laying animals and babies producing animals, domestic and wild animals, birds, and their habitat
5. Our House - Different types of houses, the requirement of the house for humans and animals, important parts of our house, appliances in our house
6. Road Safety
Vehicles on the road, symbols on the road and their meanings, how to walk and drive on the road, basic road safety rules
7. Ports and stations
Basic information about seaports, airports, railway stations, and bus stations.
8. Means of Communication
Various means of communication, choosing the right method for the communication: meeting, letters, email, newspaper, television, internet, miscommunications and their effects.
9. Clothes
Why do we need clothes, seasonal clothes, cultural dresses, the material used for making clothes.
10. Professions
Who Does what, various professions, doctors, postman, engineer, scientist, lawyer, cleaner, domestic helper, etc. Importance of each profession in our daily life.
11. Logical Reasoning
Logical reasoning, pattern sequencing, creative thinking
World Cyber Olympiad (WCO)
1. Know your computer
What is a computer, what computer does, different types of computers: desktop, laptop, important hardware, computer monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers, UPS, CPU, etc.
2. Functioning of computer hardware
Identification and uses of monitor, keyboard, UPS, CPU, and mouse, know your keyboard and its keys, where is the memory of the computer located
3. Handling of computers
Safe handling of computers and their parts, voltage fluctuations can affect the computer, protect the computer from water or moisture.
4. Smart gadgets
Smartphone, smartwatch, smart lights, and other smart appliances, appliances working on voice command
5. Introduction to software
Basic knowledge of paint software for drawing, use of Microsoft word for writing, how to write and delete words, use of different keys in typing
6. Personal uses of computers
Personal uses of computer for making files, preparing presentations, calculations, etc., for listening to music, watching movies, playing games, social media, etc.
7. Commercial uses of computers
Commercial uses of computer for office work, calculations, sharing information, use in hospitals, offices, bank, schools, shops, etc.
8. Logical reasoning
Computers work on logics, basic logical reasoning, pattern sequencing, etc.